Orange County Rhinoplasty | Nose Jobs In Los Angeles, Newport Beach, Riverside And More

Orange County Rhinoplasty | Nose Jobs In Los Angeles, Newport Beach, Riverside And More

Rhinoplasty, more commonly referred to as a “nose job,” remains one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures on the face, because the nose not only completely changes the look of the face – most people feel they can change their nose without changing “them.” The eyes and mouth are the most recognizable features of a person, but the nose is what decides symmetry, beauty, and more.

When it comes to Southern California rhinoplasty options, the surgeon to turn to is Dr. Agha. Our plastic surgery Newport Beach center serves those from Irvine, Santa Ana, Riverside, San Diego, Los Angeles, and much more, helping all of those in SoCal get the nose they have always wanted safely and effectively.

Your Orange County Rhinoplasty Options


Nose jobs come in a variety of styles. Some get a nose reduction. Others get a nose augmentation or implant. Some shape their noses to be more like their favorite celebrity. Others get their noses to look more like a specific ethnicity. There are many different options available for rhinoplasty in Los Angeles and Orange County, but the most important consideration is not the type of nose job, but who your plastic surgeon is.

That’s because nose reshaping requires incredible care and vision, unlike many other parts of the body:

  • The nose lies in the direct center of the face, affecting not only symmetry and beauty, but also first impressions and attention. The best noses are those that are both beautiful and less noticeable, where the nose doesn’t draw attention but anyone looking at it can marvel at its perfection. This requires a skilled eye and attention not only to detail but to the entire face.

  • Noses are some of the smallest procedures, yet have such a massive impact. The difference between a beautiful nose and a less beautiful nose can be as simple as a few millimeters. Just a skilled hand has to be controlling the entire rhinoplasty procedure since the tiniest mistake can make a huge difference.

When performing rhinoplasty, the surgeon must take apart all of the components of the nose, and add or remove bone, tissue, implants and more, all in a way that will create minimal scarring and heal effectively. There is so much care involved that it becomes crucial to ensure that you are in the hands of someone with excellent training, years of experience, and superb recommendations.

Dr. Agha – The Leading Los Angeles and Orange County Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgeon


Based in Newport Beach, California, Dr. Agha has become a leading source for nose jobs in SoCal. With training at the University of Cambridge in England, as well as the University of Pittsburgh – one of the top 5 plastic surgery schools in the country – Dr. Agha has decades of experience working with noses of all shapes and sizes, and knows exactly what it takes to create the nose that you have always wanted.

Learn more about Dr. Agha’s experience with rhinoplasty, or about any of his Newport Beach plastic surgery procedures, by calling (949)644-2442.

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