Can you guess when the first successful breast augmentation surgery was performed?

Can you guess when the first successful breast augmentation surgery was performed?

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries today. In the United States alone, more than 300,000 breast augmentations were performed in 2018. But the first successful breast augmentation surgery happened more than a century ago.

In 1893 in Heidelberg, Germany, famous surgeon Vicenz Czerny successfully performed the world’s first breast augmentation surgery. 

The patient had a tumor removed from one of her breasts, which created breast asymmetry. Fortunately, she also had a fatty growth on her back called lipoma. This is what Czerny used to address the asymmetry.

The surgical techniques used have evolved since then. If you want to have breast augmentation today, your plastic surgeon doesn’t need to collect excess fat from your body. You can use silicone or saline implants instead!

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