The FDA Has Issued A Warning: Have Qualified Surgeons Perform Your Facial Injections

The FDA Has Issued A Warning: Have Qualified Surgeons Perform Your Facial Injections

Plastic and cosmetic surgery has come a long way in the past 100 years. Nearly every procedure available today has been thoroughly tested for safety and effectiveness, and while there are certainly differences between each procedure, when you get them completed by a qualified office you can generally trust that you’re receiving a safe, effective strategy for fighting off aging and improving body confidence.

Yet that doesn’t mean that there are no risks, and recently the FDA issued a warning that was sent out from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons about the importance of having qualified plastic surgery professionals to handle all medical procedures, even those that are deemed almost entirely safe. At Plastic Surgeon Newport Beach, Dr. Agha handles every single medical procedure himself for patients in Orange County and Los Angeles, and we encourage you to learn more about these procedures by calling us today at (949)644-2442.

FDA Warns Patients and Providers to Be Careful With Soft Tissue Filler Location Site


Soft Tissue Fillers, which include brands such as Restylane, Perlane and Juvederm, are generally very safe fillers that use Hyaluronic acid to improve lip plumpness, soften wrinkles and facial creases, reduce cheek hollowness, improve the appearance of facial scars, and more.

When used correctly, there is little to no risk of side effects unless you have an allergy to Hyaluronic Acid. However, the FDA has been notifying plastic surgery professionals about problems that may occur if the soft tissue fillers are injected into the wrong locations, especially the blood vessels in the face. Because soft tissue fillers are safe, they are often even provided by non-surgeons, including:

  • Nurses

  • Physician Assistants

  • Non-Surgical MDs

Depending on where you go, many medical spas have someone on staff with only light training that performs the procedure, and while there are many well qualified non-plastic surgeons, there are also many others that do not have the training to ensure that the soft tissue filler is injected into the right location.

If any of the soft tissue filler penetrates a blood vessel in the face, it could lead to rare but significant issues with developing an embolism, which may in some cases lead to organ damage, blindness, and possibly even a stroke. In the rarest occasions, it could be fatal.

Choose a Qualified and Skilled Plastic Surgeon


All of the surgical procedures performed at Plastic Surgeon Newport Beach are delivered by Dr. Agha, a board certified plastic surgeon with outstanding training and credentials. This allows you to be much more confident in the safety of your procedure, knowing that the person that is ensuring you get the results you want is also the person most knowledgeable in the biological makeup of the face. We have an outstanding staff here at our Orange County surgical center, but we also know the importance of making sure each and every procedure is completed in the lowest risk, safe way possible, while also delivering the ideal results.

Those in Southern California – from San Diego to Los Angeles to all over Orange County, our Newport Beach plastic surgery services are the best choice for those that are looking to improve their facial appearance, and you can trust that your procedure will be completed by an expert. Contact us today at (949)644-2442 to learn more.

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