High-Definition Tummy Tuck and Monsplasty

After her last pregnancy, this 44-year-old patient presented to our office unhappy with her belly.  On examination, it was noted that the patient had a moderate degree of abdominal muscle separation as well as lower abdominal skin excess with pubic sagging.  Patient also had bulging of her waist.

During a 3 1/2-hour surgery, the patient underwent a low-cut high-definition tummy tuck with monsplasty and waist liposuction. The High-definition tummy tuck procedure recreates an hour-glass contour of the abdomen by applying many of the aesthetic features of the ideal abdomen: a defined rectus abdominus silhouette with oblique lateral indentation and depressions and a vertically-oriented navel in a narrow, midline depression.

Patient’s tummy tuck post-op photos were taken at about 6 months after her surgery.  Patient was very happy with her new recreated and defined abdomen as well as her new hour-glass silhouette.  No one will ever know that she has had a tummy tuck in a low-cut bikini.  Note the position of the brown mole on the right side of her abdomen on before and after pictures.

Before After