This 42-year-old woman came to Plastic Surgery Body Contouring Center for a mini-tummy tuck. Upon examination by Dr. Agha, she was found to have fullness of her love handles, and a mild to moderate degree of lower abdominal laxity. The patient underwent liposuction of her flanks with a mini-tummy tuck. Post-operative photos are taken approximately 6 months after her mini-tummy tuck surgery.
After thorough examination of this patient, Dr. Agha decided to perform liposuction of her flanks (sides) to remove unwanted skin and fat. Since this patient only had a moderate amount of excess skin and fat above the pubic region Dr. Agha was able to perform a mini tummy tuck. A mini tummy tuck procedure requires a smaller incision, which is therefore more desirable. A mini tummy tuck procedure also has a shorter surgical time; it is about 1-2 hours. This patient was very satisfied with her results; Dr. Agha gave her the ability to enjoy life again as she once had.