This patient was very self-conscious and unhappy with her excess abdominal tissue and laxity after loosing 105 pounds through vertical sleeve gastrectomy surgery. She is a 47-year-old woman who came to Plastic Surgery Body Contouring Center requesting tummy tuck surgery to be performed by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Siamak Agha. On examination by Dr. Agha, the patient was found to have significant excess tissue of her waist and abdomen. The patient had an extended tummy tuck surgery; a surgery technique that is typically reserved for patients with excess fat and skin in the hip areas. This procedure using extends the abdominoplasty incisions to the hip area on each side; removing fat and skin from these areas. An extended tummy tuck procedure results in a more concave hourglass contour of the hips, while also lifting the outer aspect of the thighs.
Post-operative before and after photos were captured approximately 6 months after her extended tummy tuck surgery. She was very happy with her surgical results performed by Dr. Agha