Lower Body Lift Redo, Arm Lift, Inner Thigh Lift Revision and Correction of Labial Spreading
A total body lift is a comprehensive correction and enhancement of one’s upper and lower body and can even include chest as well as breast surgery. The surgery is often times performed in two stages over the course of two days, with at least three months in between. However, in some cases, a total body lift can be done in one stage as for this patient. This 60 year-old female wished to undergo a lower body lift redo, correction of labial spreading and an arm lift. The patient had previously had a lower body lift, inner thigh lift. As you can appreciate from her before pictures, patient has inner thigh incisions that are not appropriately placed in her groin crease. The inner thigh scar is continued under her buttocks and over her outer thighs. This is not a conventional incision and is not necessary when Dr. Agha performs body lift surgery.
During her total body lift surgery, Dr. Agha performed an arm lift, buttocks lift, buttocks augmentation with lower back fat pads, as well as, fat that was injected into her buttocks. He next completed an outer thigh, anterior (front) thigh lift as well as a full tummy tuck revision with abdominal muscle tightening. Patient’s migrated inner thigh scars were also lifted and correctly placed at her groin crease as the crease was reconstructed. In this manner, the patient’s labial spreading was remedied. Patient’s post operative pictures are seen early after her surgery and prior to her flight back home to Seattle.