Studies Attempt To Find “Maximum Liposuction Amount” For Body Contouring Patients

Studies Attempt To Find “Maximum Liposuction Amount” For Body Contouring Patients

When it comes to body contouring, there is perhaps no greater solution that liposuction. Liposuction has transformed the world of plastic surgery, enhancing other procedures like tummy tucks, as well as making sure that more and more patients that struggle with body confidence are able to find solutions that help them achieve the contouring body they have been looking for.

While liposuction is exceedingly safe – especially in the hands of experts like Dr. Agha – it’s still a surgical procedure, so scientists and plastic surgeons are always looking for guidance on how to make sure that the safety of liposuction is never in question. One issue that is regularly being researched is the amount of fat that can be removed at once, with the least risk of complications.

Determining Maximum Fat Removal

The idea that there is a maximum amount of fat removal possible is not a new one. Your body does need fat, and while liposuction removes fat for body contouring, it is not considered to be a replacement for weight loss or a weight-loss tool. Indeed, even with significant liposuction, the total amount of weight loss is negligible.

But for the purposes of shaping the body, many clients still want to remove as much fat as they can to get the shape that they want. Studies on this are still occurring, but some of the recent findings include:

  • Obese Patients Can Lose More – There is a correlation between the amount of fat that you have in your body, and how much you can lose safely. Patients that are already a lower weight will not be able to have as much removed as those of a larger weight, but this is likely to be acceptable, as losing additional weight tends to be a bit easier for the thinner population, and liposculpture should look attractive regardless.

  • Large Volume Liposuction Does Increase Complication Risk – When large volume liposuction does occur (greater than 5000 mL), risk of complications tends to increase, although this increase does have a reverse relationship with BMI (where the higher your BMI, the lower the risk of complications).

  • Complication Rates are Still Low – Although complication rates do increase, these statistics shouldn’t cause much fear. Complication rates in total, including large volume liposuction, are only about 1.5%, and serious complications are at a much smaller risk. In the hands of experts like Dr. Agha of Plastic Surgeon Newport Beach, the risk is also lower.

Those that are thinking about plastic surgery in Orange County should note that liposuction, just like any type of plastic surgery, is not a weight-loss tool. It’s simply a way to transform the shape and contours of your body so that you feel more attractive.

In the hands of trained professionals like Newport Beach plastic surgeon Dr. Agha, your specific needs are going to be taken into account, along with safety. That way you are both satisfied with the results and have the fewest complications possible. Liposculpture is a delicate procedure, and with decades of experience, Dr. Agha will make sure that your liposuction goes as safely as possible and has the best possible aesthetic outcome as well.

Call us today at (949) 644-2442 to find out more about our liposuction procedures, or schedule an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Agha, today.

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