Witness the transformative journey of this patient in her mid 30s, as she underwent a comprehensive mommy makeover surgery at The Aesthetic Centers, skillfully orchestrated by our renowned Dr. Siamak Agha. Her preoperative concerns encompassed a spectrum of issues from breast ptosis, mispositioned implants, lateral buttock depression to abdominal skin laxity and severe degree of diastasis recti, separation of the abdominal muscles.

Dr. Agha’s meticulous plan included a tailored combination of procedures, each designed to address the patient’s unique needs. He started sculpting her body by liposuctioning her lower back and flanks and then transferring part of the fat to her lateral buttocks enhancing projection, while fixing the lateral depressions and overall contour.

He then removed her old breast implants and executed a wise pattern breast reduction and lift, reducing the areola and repositioning the nipple-areolar complex in a much higher position on her chest. For last, he inserted her new silicone implants to create the perkiness and shape she desired. Her breasts were completely restored to a natural and youthful aspect.

Before After

Finally, Dr. Agha performed an intricate repair of the significant diastasis recti, by suturing the muscles and using an absorbable mesh to keep them secured for many years. This way he ensured a firm and toned abdomen.

With a personalized approach and expert craftsmanship, Dr. Agha has transformed the patient’s appearance, leaving her feeling confident and rejuvenated. She was elated by the results achieved by her procedure. Post operative photos were taken 2 months after surgery.