This 35 year old patient presented to Dr. Siamak Agha for a Tummy Tuck procedure as well as an Implant Exchange and Breast Lift. The patient had previously had a Breast Augmentation with saline implants, but was unhappy with her breast shape and how low they sat on her chest. She was a cup side DD and wanted to be a small C. She was also unhappy with her abdominal bulging after twin pregnancy.
Upon examination, Dr. Agha found that her implants were about 2 cm too low, and she had significant breast ptosis, or breast sagging. He also found that the patient had significant diastasis recti, or the separation of the abdominal muscles that can occur during pregnancy, and a moderate degree of abdominal excess and laxity.
Dr. Agha began the patient’s 360-Degree Mommy Makeover by performing Liposuction on her lower back and waist areas, removing 800 cc of fat from these areas. Dr. Agha then began the Breast Implant Exchange and Lift. Anchor-type Breast Lift incisions were made on each breast, and through these incisions, he removed the patient’s old implants. Then, the patient’s breasts were raised to be in a more flattering position on her chest. The patient’s new implants, which were Natrelle 335 cc silicone implants, were placed into a sub-muscular breast pocket within each breast. The size of the patient’s areolae were then reduced, and her areolae were lifted to a more ideal and symmetrical position on each breast.

Finally, Dr. Agha performed an Abdominoplasty through a low-cut abdominal incision. The patient’s diastasis recti was corrected by tightening her abdominal muscles, which removed the distended, round appearance to her abdominal area. The abdominal laxity and excess were also corrected, creating a much smoother appliance to the abdomen, without any wrinkling or sagging.
The patient’s Mommy Makeover before and after photos were taken just two months after her procedure, and she was left with much more natural looking, lifted breasts and a flat, smooth abdominal area.