This 45 year old patient presented to Dr. Siamak Agha for a Mommy Makeover. The patient was unhappy with the fullness in her abdomen and flanks and the size of her breasts. She wished to have a slimmer, tighter figure and fuller breasts.
Upon examination, Dr. Agha found that the patient had postpartum breast atrophy, and her breasts lacked volume. The patient also had a moderate amount of abdominal excess and laxity after her pregnancies.
During her Mommy Makeover procedure, Dr. Agha performed Liposuction on her lower back, love handles, and waist, removing the unflattering bulges of fat in these areas. The harvested fat was then cleaned and processed, and 250 ccs of fat were added into each buttock cheek to perfect the shape and add a bit more fullness. This is known as Brazilian Butt Lift or Buttocks Lipoaugmentation.
Next, Dr. Agha turned his attention to the patient’s breasts. A sub-muscular Breast Augmentation as performed through inframammary fold incisions using 350 cc Mentor implants. The implants rounded out the shape of the patient’s breasts and provided a fuller, more lifted look to her chest.

Finally, Dr. Agha performed his signature High-Definition Tummy Tuck through a low-cut abdominal incision. During this procedure, he sculpted and tightened the patient’s abdominal area, removing any excess fat and tissue and tightening the abdominal muscles. He created the ideal lines of definition along the patient’s abdomen, creating a very flattering and toned appearance to the patient’s midsection.
After her procedure, the patient had the deal hourglass shape to her body, with full breasts, a defined waist, and a round backside. The patient’s Mommy Makeover before and after photos were taken 5 months after her procedure.