This 24 year old patient presented to Dr. Siamak Agha for a Tummy Tuck and Breast Augmentation. The patient was unhappy with the fullness in her abdomen following her pregnancies, and desired to have a flatter abdominal area and larger, more rounded breasts.
Upon examination, Dr. Agha noted that the patient had asymmetrical breasts, with her right breast being slightly smaller than her left breast. The patient also had a moderate degree of abdominal skin excess and abdominal muscle separation, creating an unflattering fullness to her abdominal area.
During her Mommy Makeover, Dr. Agha performed Liposuction on her lower back and flanks, removing the bulges of fat and creating a more hourglass shape to the patient’s body. For the patient’s breasts, he performed a peri-areolar Breast Lift and Breast Augmentation. Through incisions around the patient’s areolae, her nipple areolae were lifted to a more youthful, flattering position. Her chosen implants, which were 550 cc smooth, round Natrelle gel implants, were placed in a sub-muscular pocket in each breast. Then, Dr. Agha performed his signature High Definition Tummy Tuck through an incision low on the patient’s abdomen. The fullness in the patient’s abdomen was removed, and her abdominal area changed from being round, to being flat and defined.
The patient’s Mommy Makeover before and after photos were taken two months after her procedure, and she had more youthful, round breasts and a toned, smooth silhouette.