This 28-year-old patient presented to Dr. Siamak Agha for plastic surgery after massive weight loss. After losing a dramatic amount of weight, the patient was left with a significant amount of skin and tissue laxity in her abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. Even though she was slim after her weight loss, her excess skin created an unflattering shape to her figure, and she wished to have body contouring surgery to correct this issue.
To remove the patient’s excess skin, Dr. Agha performed a Lower Body Lift and a Vertical Thighplasty. He began the procedure by performing liposuction on the patient’s flanks, lower abdomen, and inner thighs. Then, he performed a vertical thighplasty by removing the excess inner thigh tissue through a vertical incision that goes from the pubic area to the inner knees.
Then, the patient was turned over and further liposuction of her flanks, lower back, and waist were completed. A buttock lift with buttocks augmentation with lower back excess fat (autologous buttocks augmentation) was then completed. Through the same incision, Dr. Agha performed an outer thigh lift, elevating the outer thigh tissue and suturing it in at a higher position. Further buttocks reshaping and enhancement was then undertaken by injecting 450 cc of liposuctioned fat into each of the patient’s buttock cheeks, further reducing any dimpling or deflation in the buttocks. On the front, an abdominoplasty with muscle tightening, monsplasty and thigh front lift was then completed.
After her procedure, the patient had a much smoother appearance to her body, and a much more defined and contoured hourglass shape. The patient’s Body Lift before and after photos were taken just one month after her procedure.