This 48-year-old female presented to Dr. Siamak Agha from Canada for a Lower Body Lift. The patient was unhappy with her lower body laxity after substantial weight loss. The patient had had a previous tummy tuck surgery but was still unhappy with the loose skin and tissue of her lower body. Her tummy tuck scar was also higher than ideal.
To correct the patient’s lower body laxity and her concerns, Dr. Agha performed a lower body lift with abdominoplasty revision and a Spiral thigh lift for her. He began the procedure by performing liposuction on the patient’s lower back, flanks, saddlebags, and waist, removing 1,200 cc of fat from these areas. He then used the lower back excess fat to create fat pads for autologous (self to self) augmentation of her buttocks- as a natural-looking alternative to buttock implants.
A buttocks lift was then performed over the fat pads together with outer thigh lift.. Finally, he injected 280 cc of processed liposuctioned fat each buttock cheek, rounding out the shape and adding a bit more fullness. Then, he began the Spiral Thigh Lift by lifting the back tissue of the thigh through an incision that is placed under the buttock crease.

For the Abdominoplasty, he created an incision from hip to hip low on the abdomen over her existing scar, extending all the way around the sides of the patient’s body to meet with the incision above her buttocks. Through this incision, he corrected the laxity of the patient’s abdominal skin and repaired her abdominal muscle separation. He also revised the position of the patient’s abdominal scar so that it would be lower on her abdomen and created a smaller and more ideally shaped bellybutton. He also used this incision site to lift the front of the thighs.
The patient’s Lower Body Lift before and after photos were taken 6 months after her procedure.