This 28-year-old female presented to Dr. Siamak Agha from Washington DC for plastic surgery after weight loss. The patient had lost over 150 pounds through gastric sleeve surgery, diet, and exercise. The patient was unhappy with the significant laxity of her skin and loose tissue and wished to undergo a Lower Body Lift.
Upon examination, Dr. Agha noted that the patient had a significant amount of skin laxity on her abdomen, pubic area, and thighs. She also had fullness in her flanks and lower back and a boxy buttock shape.
Dr. Agha performed a Lower Body Lift to address the patient’s abdomen, back, thighs, and buttocks. He performed liposuction on the patient’s waist, thighs and lower back to remove the visible bulges of fat and harvesting fat to be transferred into patient’s deflated buttocks. Then, he began a buttock lift procedure. He made an incision along the top of the patient’s buttocks where it would be easily concealed by an underwear or a bikini. Through this incision, he used the excess lower back fat to augment the buttocks with. Since this fat pad comes with its own blood supply, it does not resorb and is a permanent augmentation.

To further augment the lower buttocks, 500 cc of fat was injected into each buttock cheek. Next, the patient’s buttocks and outer thighs were lifted to correct for laxity. On the front, a low-cut abdominal incision was made, extending to the sides and joining the incision of the back. Through this incision, Dr. Agha performed a tummy tuck, monsplasty, and anterior thigh lift (frontal thigh lift).
At a later stage, the patient returned for a vertical thighplasty. An elliptical incision was made over each inner thigh through which the excess skin and tissue of the inner thighs were removed to make the thighs smaller.
The patient’s Lower Body Lift after photos were taken just three weeks after her second stage- the vertical thighplasty procedure.