From North Carolina, this weight loss patient her forties, after losing 95 pounds of weight through vertical sleeve gastrectomy, came to Dr. Siamak Agha for a lower body lift. The patient desired buttocks enhancement, lower body lift, Spiral thigh lift, and liposuction.
Physical examination of the patient by Dr. Agha was remarkable for skin and tissue excess of her abdomen, sagging of her pubic region, fatty fullness of her love-handles, saddlebags, and waist, buttocks deflation, and thigh laxity of the thigh front, outer thigh, inner thigh, and thigh back in a vertical dimension.

The patient underwent Dr. Agha’s signature high-definition lower body lift with buttocks enhancement and his pioneered Spiral thigh lift during a 1 stage surgery that lasted approximately 7 ½ hours, Her procedures included:
– Lower body lift with abdominoplasty, monsplasty (pubic lift), thigh front lift, outer thigh lift, waist and lower back skin excision, and buttocks lift
– Liposuction of her lower back, love-handles and waist
– Buttocks augmentation with lower back fat pads
– Buttocks enhancement with fat transfer
– Liposculpting of the patient abdomen
– Spiral thigh lift to lift the thigh back and inner thigh
Essentially the patient had a circumferential thigh lift to elevate the front, back, inner, and outer thigh tissues and skin. The patient stayed locally in Orange County for over 4 weeks.
Post-operative lower body lift photos were taken at 3 month after, when she came back for her upper body lift.