Brow Lift, Upper Eyelid surgery , Facelift & Neck Lift
This patient in her early sixties presented to Dr. Siamak Agha for a Facelift, Neck Lift and Forehead Lift. The patient was unhappy with her sagging facial skin, especially on her lower face and neck. She was also showing signs of aging around her eyes and wished for a more youthful appearance.
To address the patient’s concerns, Dr. Agha performed a full Facelift . This included a top to bottom approach with a Brow Lift, Upper Eyelid surgery, Facelift and Neck Lift. He began the patient’s procedure by creating small incisions along her forehead, hidden behind her hairline. Through these short incisions, he lifted and elevated the brow at a higher position while changing the brow shape and elevating the brow tail. Then, Dr. Agha addressed the patient’s upper eyelids, which had excess skin that drooped over, creating hooded eyes. The excess skin and muscle on her eyelids were removed, opening her eyes and creating a less hooded, sagging appearance.
Then, he began the Facelift procedure, creating an incision on either side of the patient’s face. The Facelift incisions were started within the patient’s sideburns and followed the creases in the front and back of the ears. Through these incisions, the patient’s facial and neck skin were elevated and the underlying muscles and fascia of both her neck and face were repositioned and lifted. This corrected for jowling, cheek pad descent, and laxity of the deeper facial tissues. Then, the skin was re-draped and the excess was removed.

Dr. Agha also created another incision under the patient’s chin where he performed Corset Platysmaplasty to tighten the patient’s neck muscles and bands below her chin. In combination with neck muscle tightening behind the ears, the patient had tightening of her neck muscles in front and back, creating a crisper jawline and a more defined neck contour.
After her procedure, the patient looked much more youthful. The patient’s Facelift before and after photos were taken 8 months after her procedure and she was ecstatic with her results.