Facelift, Neck Lift & Corset Platysmaplasty
This 45 year old patient presented to Dr. Siamak Agha for plastic surgery after weight loss. The patient had lost 110 pounds and was left with sagging skin throughout her body and face. She chose to have the excess skin removed and her surgeries were completed in three stages: lower body, upper body, and face and neck. During her face and neck procedure, the patient wanted to remove the excess skin that sagged under her cheeks and beneath her chin.
To address the patient’s concerns, Dr. Agha performed a Facelift and Neck Lift. He began the Neck Lift by making a very small incision under the patient’s chin. While some Neck Lifts can be performed through the same incision as the Facelift, if there is significant muscle banding, it may be best to create another incision under the chin to tighten the platysma muscle bands.
For this patient, as she had such significant muscle bandings after her weight loss, Dr. Agha chose to perform a Corset Platysmaplasty. This created a much sharper jawline and a much more ideal side profile. Then, incisions were made along her sideburns, extending into the natural curves of the ears. From these incisions, the facial muscles were lifted, the facial skin was lifted over the muscles, and the excess skin was removed. Also, the remainder of the neck muscle laxity was corrected through this incision to create the ideal results.

The patient’s Facelift and Neck Lift gave her the youthful and sleek appearance that she desired. Her Facelift and Neck Lift before and after photos were taken 5 months after her procedure.