Brazilian Butt Lift
This 34 year old patient presented to Dr. Siamak Agha for Liposuction of multiple areas with fat transfer to her buttocks for reshaping purposes. The patient was unhappy with the shape of her body, especially the fullness around her hips and upper thighs.
Upon examination, the patient was noted to have excess fat and fullness in her abdomen, inner thighs, lower back, and saddlebags. While her buttocks had a round shape, the excess fat and contour of her body distracted from her buttocks.
To address the patient’s problem areas, Dr. Agha performed Liposuction of her abdomen, love handles, lower back, inner thighs, and saddlebags, removing 5,000 cc of fat. Using liposuction, Dr. Agha was able to contour the patient’s body and remove unwanted fat that disrupted the shape of her figure. By slimming her lower back, love handles, and saddlebags, the patient was able to achieve a smooth curve from her ribcage down to her upper buttocks and thighs. He then performed Buttocks Fat Transfer to give her butt a smoother, rounder shape.

A total of 400 cc of fat was transferred to her buttocks, and it made a dramatic difference in the appearance of her backside. Combined with liposuction, Dr. Agha was able to give the patient a gorgeous hourglass shape. The patient’s Buttock Lipoaugmentation before and after photos were taken 6 months after her procedure and the patient was extremely happy with her results.