Brazilian Butt Lift
This 44-year-old patient presented to Dr. Siamak Agha for revision Liposuction and Brazilian Butt Lift. She also desired to have a Tummy Tuck procedure. The patient was unhappy with the excess skin on her stomach and the shape of her buttocks. She desired a flatter abdomen and a more rounded, polished buttocks. The patient had previously had liposuction of her banana rolls under her buttocks.
Upon examination, Dr. Agha noted that the patient’s lower buttocks had dimpling in the skin and lacked volume. The patient’s side profile was remarkable for a double bubble deformity with a top and a lower bubble that are distinct from one another. He also noted that the patient had very large saddle bags, accentuating the lack of form in her buttocks. Also her prominent love-handles made her buttocks look boxy and ill-defined.
To address the patient’s concerns, Dr. Agha performed liposuction of her flanks, back, saddle bags, and banana rolls. A total of 3,600 cc of fat were removed from these areas. Removing the excess fat from her saddle bags and love-handles redefined the patient’s buttock shape. Then, Dr. Agha added 500 cc of fat to each of the patient’s buttock cheeks to fill the lower buttocks and to enhance her buttock fullness. Finally, the patient had a high-definition tummy tuck to reduce the fullness in her abdomen.
By correcting the projection of the patient’s abdomen, Dr. Agha accentuated the patient’s uplifted buttocks. The patient’s Buttock Augmentation before and after photos were taken 6 months after surgery, and the patient was extremely happy with her new figure.