After significant weight loss through lap band surgery, this 46-year-old female came to Plastic Surgery Body Contouring Center for a tummy tuck. Upon examination, she was found to have severe abdominal skin excess. The patient had a full tummy tuck with lap-band port re-positioning. Post-operative photos were taken approximately 5 months after her surgery.
This patient’s lap band surgery left her with a significant amount of excess skin and loose abdominal muscles. Dr. Agha recommended a full tummy tuck procedure, which requires an incision from one hip to the other. The advantage of having Dr. Agha perform your full tummy tuck procedure is that he does a wonderful job hiding the scars; he makes the incisions below the waist line so that they are hidden by either your underwear or your bikini. After the full tummy tuck, Dr. Agha also repositioned the lap band that was original placed in her previous surgery. This patient’s results are a representation of how experienced Dr. Agha is because it is amazing how flat and toned her stomach looks.