Vertical Thigh Lift
Thigh Reduction Surgery
This 45-year-old patient presented to Dr. Siamak Agha for a Thigh Reduction surgery, aka Vertical Thighplasty. The patient had lost a significant amount of weight and wished to undergo a Lower Body Lift and Thigh Reduction. On examination, Dr. Agha noted that the patient had significant laxity of her skin both in a circumferential as well as vertical dimensions specially over the thigh region. Together with the patient, Dr. Agha planned for a comprehensive lower body contouring approach for the patient that included a Thigh Reduction first, and a Lower Body Lift as her second stage. Often times, Dr. Agha prefers to start with a Vertical Thighplasty to make thighs smaller before lifting them up during a Lower Body Lift as was the case here. This procedure typically takes about 3 to 3 1/2 hours. Patient’s post-operative Vertical Thighplasty after pictures were taken at about 3 months after her surgery. This patient’s thighs would next benefit from a lower body lift to correct for vertical thigh laxity.

A Thigh Reduction surgery or Thighplasty reduces the circumference of the thigh and makes it smaller. It does not lift them up in any form or manner. The incision for a Vertical Thighplasty starts at the pubic region and often terminates past the inner knees. The incision can be shortened to finish above the knees, but many patients would benefit from tightening of the skin around the knees and wish to have the more extended incision.
Not every weight loss patient will require a vertical thighplasty and Dr. Agha‘s studies on this topic has shown that only about 40% of weight loss patients present with both vertical and circumferential laxity of thigh skin. However most patients do present with vertical skin laxity of their thighs after weight loss and will benefit from a lower body lift.