This 44-year-old female had a prior tummy tuck surgery performed by a non-plastic surgeon. She was extremely unhappy with the remaining bulge over her scar as well as the quality of her scar. The previous surgeon who performed her tummy tuck was not experienced and did not have the level of expertise that Dr. Siamak Agha has. After her examination, she decided to have a revision of her tummy tuck. This time, she wanted it done by an experience, board certified plastic surgeon; Dr. Siamak Agha performed the surgery and this patient was very happy with her new results. This woman’s post-operative pictures were taken at 3 months.
When searching for a plastic surgeon that has expertise and experience, you should feel free to ask any questions you may have. The purpose of our tummy tuck revision gallery is to show you breath-taking results that could be very similar to yours if you had surgery. Just because you had one bad experience with a surgeon, it does not mean that all surgeons are that way. Dr. Siamak Agha takes pride in providing the best results he can; this is why he has an extensive photo gallery.