This 47-year-old weight loss patient presented to Orange County Plastic Surgery for correction of her abdominal and thigh laxity. The patient had lost 147 pounds through gastric bypass surgery. On examination, the patient was found to have laxity and excess tissue of her abdomen, waists, lower back and buttocks. The patient also had significant deflation and sagging of her buttocks as well as both vertical and circumferential laxity of her thighs. The patient did not wish to have a lower body lift or buttock augmentation with her own tissue. Based on her desires, the patient underwent an extended abdominoplasty, monsplasty, liposuction, and a vertical thighplasty during a 6-hour surgery.
The latter procedure performed by Dr. Agha reduces the width of the thighs and is a thigh reduction procedure. Her post-operative body contouring pictures were taken at about 6 months after her procedures. This patient was very pleased with her body after surgery and was given back her confidence that she had once lost.