This 40-year-old female came to Plastic Surgery Body Contouring Center for a tummy tuck surgery. After loosing 100 pounds through lap band surgery, the patient was unhappy with her abdominal tissue excess and laxity; she had too much excess skin that was loose and saggy. On examination by Dr. Agha, she was found to have a significant degree of excess abdominal skin. The patient had a full tummy tuck including lap-band port repositioning. Post-operative photos were taken approximately 6 months after her tummy tuck surgery.
This patient had excess and saggy skin that she wanted to tighten up and create a more toned and tight looking abdomen. She decided to undergo a full tummy tuck procedure, which involves an incision that goes from one hip to the other. Luckily, with the experience and expertise of Dr. Agha he is able to hide the scar by making the incisions just below the underwear and bikini line. During the procedure, he also repositioned the lap-band port to be more secure and better positioned.