This is a 39 year-old male from New York who presented to Dr. Siamak Agha for a total body lift after losing 150 pounds of weight through diet and exercise. The patient wished to have his arms, back, buttocks, thighs, abdomen, and chest corrected.
On examination, the patient was found to have significant arm skin and tissue excess, grade 3 gynecomastia of his breasts, lower body laxity, buttocks sagging, upper back skin and tissue excess, a back roll, significant abdominal tissue excess in a horizontal (circumferential) dimension, pubic laxity, small and sagging buttocks, a hip roll, as well as circumferential thigh laxity in a vertical as well as horizontal dimension.
During a three-stage surgery, each about 7-8 hours, the patient underwent a full body lift. His procedures included:

– L-brachioplasty-
– J-upper body lift to reduce outer chest skin excess and correct his gynecomastia
– Flankplasty to reduce the excess abdominal girth- horizontal laxity of his abdomen
– Lower body lift with abdominoplasty, monsplasty (pubic lift), thigh front lift, outer thigh lift, waist and lower back skin excision, and buttocks lift
– Buttocks augmentation with lower back fat pads
– Liposuction of his lower back, abdomen, flanks
– Buttocks fat transfer (twice)
– Abdominal hernia repair
– Spiral thigh lift to lift the inner thigh and the thigh back
The patient stayed locally in Orange County for 4 weeks with each stage.
Post-operative total body lift after pictures were taken at one month after his third stage.