Sientra Opus Breast Implants: The Best Choice for Gummy Silicone Gel Implants

Sientra Opus Breast Implants: The Best Choice for Gummy Silicone Gel Implants

With a 97% rating on, Sientra breast implants are one of the best-rated breast implant brands in the United States. 

Get to know more about Sientra Opus implants as you read this article and figure out whether it’s the right implant choice for you.

What are the Features of Opus Gel Implants?

Sientra Opus breast implants pride themselves on their performance, mainly due to the following features:

High-strength cohesive (HSC) gel

Each Sientra breast implant contains either a high-strength cohesive (HSC) or high-strength cohesive plus (HSC+) gel specially engineered to retain shape and remain resistant to implant fractures while still maintaining its soft feel.

While the HSC gel has a soft feel that mimics your natural breast tissue, HSC+ is more cohesive, shape-retaining, and highly resistant to gel fracture. The latter is the best choice if you want to minimize rippling and wrinkling problems of a prior breast implant. 

The gel is carefully placed into the implants at an optimal fill ratio to maintain the desired breast shape while also conforming comfortably to the chest wall’s slope. 

The flat back design of each Opus gel implant also creates a smooth outer edge that limits implant palpability and wrinkling.

Gel-shell integration

Gel-shell integration refers to the strength of the bond between the implants’ shell and the cohesive gel inside them. It’s what makes Sientra Opus gel implants stronger than other similar implants.

Because of gel-shell integration, the implants function as a cohesive unit with the breast, mimicking a natural feel. It is also one of the most critical factors in maintaining the breasts’ natural shape and minimizing upper pole deformities.


One of the biggest selling points of Sientra’s Opus implants is its strength — the implant’s resistance to fracture.

Despite its soft consistency, Sientra implants contain a high-strength cohesive gel that makes them durable yet squishy to touch. 

It boasts of two gel types: HSC, which has a strength rating of 36.32, and HSC+, with a strength rating of 44.16. These values are higher than both of its main competitors.

The strength ratings show that the Sientra implants can withstand great force without causing and permanent damage. Even 10-year clinical trials show low rates of common breast complications, like implant rupture and capsular contracture.


Both Sientra HSC and HSC+ implants have an optimal softness level, rated 5.805 and 4.270, respectively. This means that the softness of the implants is not compromised despite being highly durable.

The gel inside the implants is also elastic, retaining its shape even under force.

What are the Types of Opus Gel Implants?

You can choose from two Sientra implant shapes: round and curved. Here are the differences between the two:

Luxe Round Gel Implants

Available in smooth and textured surfaces, the Sientra’s Luxe Round Gel Implants contain HSC and HSC+ silicone gel that provides visible upper pole fullness. 

You can get these implants in four different projections: High, Moderate Plus, Moderate, and Low.

Curve Shaped Gel Implants

If perfectly round-shaped implants don’t appeal to you, then you can go for Sientra’s Curve Shaped Gel Implants.

They are designed to mimic a natural breast’s look and feel, thanks to its HSC+ silicone gel filling. In fact, Sientra’s Curve Shaped Gel implants are the only shaped implants containing this. Moreover, it is also the first FDA-approved shaped breast implants.

You can buy these implants in classic, round, and oval base shapes.

Get Your Opus Breast Implants by Sientra in Newport Beach, Orange County

If you’re interested in getting a high-performing and durable implant that’s proven to have low complication rates, you can ask Dr. Siamak Agha for more information about the Sientra Opus breast implants. After all, Sientra implants are only sold through board-certified plastic surgeons.

Schedule your consultation today.

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