At the age of 48 years old, this mom presented to Dr. Agha with a desire to restore and enhance her pre-pregnancy body. The patient specifically wished to have a flatter belly and a sculpted hour-glass contour. She also wished to have a fuller and perkier buttocks. Dr. Agha planned a 360° mommy makeover for the patient that included liposuction of her entire back, flanks, and waist together with his signature high-definition tummy tuck that includes a pubic lift. He also planned to use the liposuctioned fat to inject into the patient’s buttocks.
During a 6 hour surgery, patient’s procedures were first started by liposuctioning her upper back, mid back, lower back, and love handles. The fat was then washed, cleaned, and processed and micro-injected into the buttocks uniformly. Following this, the patient was turned over and her waist was liposuctioned and a high definition tummy tuck was completed.
Patient’s post operative pictures are shown here at one year after her surgery. As can be seen from these results, the patient has a contoured abdomen with highlighted definitions, as well as a sculpted back.