This 31-year-old male presented to Dr. Agha for Plastic Surgery after Weight Loss. The patient had lost 200 pounds through diet and exercise and was unhappy with the significant laxity of his skin and loose tissue. The patient desired a lower body lift, buttocks reshaping, and thigh reduction Surgery.
On the day of surgery, Dr. Agha began performed liposuction on the patient’s waist areas and lower back. About 1200 cc of liposuctioned fat was collected in a sterile canister, removing the excess fullness in the patient’s lower back. Then, he made the buttock/ outer thigh lift incision along the top of the patient’s buttocks. Through this incision, the outer thighs and buttocks were lifted by removing the excess skin and tissue. Then, he injected the liposuctioned fat into his buttocks to reshape them. The patient did not wish to have an augmented appearance to his buttocks, so Dr. Agha only added 240 cc of fat to each buttock cheek. This did not add significant fullness to the buttocks but did fill out the deflated and sagging skin to create a more appealing male buttock shape.

The patient was then turned and his abdominoplasty incision was made across the patient’s lower abdomen- extending to the sides of his hips to meet his buttock lift incision. Through this incision, Dr. Agha removed the excess abdominal skin and tissue, and tightened the abdominal muscles, creating a much flatter, toned appearance to the abdominal area. He also used this incision to lift the front of the patient’s thighs and pubic area. Finally, he performed a limited vertical thighplasty. He created an incision starting at the groin and going halfway down the center of each inner thigh. Through these incisions, he removed the remaining skin and tissue laxity of the inner thighs.
The patient’s Lower Body Lift and Vertical Thighplasty after photos were taken 5 months after his procedure.