This patient in her mid 50s presented to Dr. Siamak Agha, for Liposuction of her upper back, mid back, lower back and love handles. The patient also desired minor enhancement of her buttocks.
On examination, Dr. Agha noted that the patient had significant fullness of the upper back, mid back, lower back and flanks.
During a three hours surgery, Dr. Agha liposuctioned the patient’s entire back through 2 well placed incisions. He removed about 3,800 ccs of fat from the patient’s entire back as well as her flanks. The fat was then processed and a small amount was used for buttock enhancement as per patient’s desire.
As you can appreciate the patient’s back view was completely enhanced and an hour glass look was created. Also the patient’s mid back rolls were softened and her upper back width was made narrower.
These liposuction before and after pictures were taken at about three months after her surgery and reveal how this patient’s back view was completely and beautifully sculpted.