This 57 year old woman came to The Aesthetic Centers for a neck and face lift. Upon examination by Dr. Agha, she was found to have loss of cheek fullness and significant jowling. The patient underwent fat transfer to her cheeks, neck lift with tightening of her neck muscles, and a short scar face lift. The patient’s fat transfer to her cheeks gave her fuller, plumped cheeks which gave her a more youthful appearance and also proportioned her cheeks to her other facial features. It also reduced sagging in the cheek area, giving a more youthful look. The fat transfer to her cheeks not only gave fullness to her cheeks, but also reduced her jowling.
The patient’s neck lift removed wrinkles around her neck and tightened her neck skin, giving her a stronger jaw line and reducing the sagging skin in her neck area and tightened her neck muscles. Finally, the patient’s short scar facelift procedure tightened her facial skin and reduced wrinkles around her mouth eyes and chin, as well as reduced facial sagging. These results gave her a younger looking and tighter skin, making her whole face appear more youthful. The patient also achieved a natural look, since incisions are hidden in areas that appear to be natural wrinkles. The combination of these procedures gave the patient an overall more youthful and proportioned appearance due to her tighter and wrinkle free skin and fuller cheeks. Post-operative photos of her face lift are shown at approximately 12 months after surgery.