This 23 year-old female with tuberous breasts seeked Dr. Agha’s expertise in breast fat transfer and tuberous breast correction. The patient wished to have a rounder breast without breast implants or incisions. During examination, it was noted that the patient had small under developed breasts that were tubular in shape with areola protrusion. Dr. Agha recommended breast fat transfer to recreate breast fullness and roundness for this patient.
During a 3 1/2 hour surgery, Dr. Agha liposuctioned 2 liters of fat from the patient back and 1.3 liters from her abdomen. The fat was then processed to remove fluid, debris, and blood from it. The fat was then washed and meticulously injected into patient’s breasts while sculpting it to create a perkiness.
Patient’s breast fat transfer after pictures were taken at about six months once her results had stabilized. At this point in time and thereafter, the fat is permanent and acts like other fat cells in terms of expansion and shrinkage in response to weight gain or weight loss, respectively. As you can see from this results, the patient had at least one and a half cup size of breast augmentation, achieving a small C cup breast.