This 43 years old female presented to Dr. Siamak Agha from a 360 degree mommy makeover. The patient wished to have complete body sculpting with enhancement of her buttocks and breasts. The patient wished to have mild enhancement of her buttocks size but more significant fullness of her breasts. She was happy with her breast shape and did not wish to have a breast lift or breast implants.
Together with the patient, Dr. Agha planned a high-definition tummy tuck, liposuction and liposculpture of her body, mild buttocks fat transfer and more significant fat transfer to her breasts.
During a 7 hours surgery, the patient underwent liposuction of her back, love-handles and flanks, lower abdomen and inner thighs. About 3500 mls of lipoaspirate (fat mixed with blood and fluids) was suctioned from these areas. The fat was then processed, cleaned, mixed with antibiotics, and placed in small syringes for fat transfer.
A total of 350 cc of fat was micrografted into the central aspect of each buttocks for reshaping and making the buttocks mainly rounder rather than larger as per patient’s request. The rest of the processed fat was injected into the breasts. The smaller right breast received about 400 mls of fat while the larger left breast was injected with 350 mls.
Post-operative pictures were taken at 12 months. Patient had about 1 ½ cup size of enhancement as well as more symmetrical breasts.
You can also see her 360 degree mommy makeover pictures here.