Brazilian Butt Lift
Optimal buttock enhancement and Brazilian butt lift requires attention to the buttock itself and its surrounding structures such as the lower back and the thigh saddlebags. The Brazilian Butt Lift (or Buttock Lipoaugmentation) is a powerful means of correcting for both the buttock and its surrounding tissues. It truly enables the surgeon to sculpt both the lower back, saddlebags and the buttock areas. This 24 year old female presented to Dr. Siamak Agha for Brazilian butt lift. In this patient, the right buttock was slightly smaller and narrower than the left. Also, the upper buttock areas were flatter than the lower portions. Dr. Agha performed liposuction of her abdomen, waist, upper and lower back. The liposuctioned fat was processed and diffusely injected into the buttock area to achieve uniform Brazilian butt lift and augmentation. Dr. Siamak Agha craft-fully sculpted her buttocks by transferring more fat into the upper regions as well as the right buttock half. As can be seen for the pictures, the height of her buttocks were also improved. Post-operative pictures were taken at 6 months after her Brazilian butt lift surgery.