Brazilian Butt Lift
This patient presented to Dr. Siamak Agha for Liposuction and a Buttock Augmentation. She came to Dr. Agha feeling unhappy with the general shape of her buttocks. Since the lower half of her buttocks’ cheeks were much more narrow than the top, her buttocks appeared V-shaped. She was also unhappy with the dimpling in her buttock cheeks, and desired a smoother appearance to the skin. Upon examination, Dr. Agha noted that the patient’s silhouette lacked curvature, and she would benefit from 3D Body Contouring.
To address the patient’s concerns, Dr. Agha performed a Buttock Fat Transfer. He first Liposuctioned the excess fat from the patient’s abdomen, flanks, love handles, upper and lower back, sacrum, and inner thighs. Dr. Agha was able to remove 800 cc of fat from the patient’s abdomen and waist, while Lipo-Sculpting her abdomen to create lines of definition throughout her stomach. Rather than creating a flat, one-dimensional stomach area, Dr. Agha uses High Definition Lipo-Sculpture to form the Lina Alba, or the line down the middle of the abdominal muscles. This process gave the patient a much flatter stomach and abdominal area, with lines of definition that made her look fit and toned. Dr. Agha also extracted 2,000 cc of fat from her back and flanks, removing the fat rolls on the patient’s back, and creating a smooth curve from the patient’s shoulder blades down to her buttocks.

Then, 440 cc of cleaned and processed fat were then placed into each of the patient’s buttock cheeks, filling out the skin to decrease sagging and dimpling. He also used the fat to sculpt the buttock cheeks and fix their V-shaped appearance. Her new buttocks were a lovely round and plump shape. Her new voluptuous buttocks were highlighted by her slimmer waist, back, and thighs. The patient’s entire silhouette benefited from the 3D body contouring. The patient’s Brazilian Butt Lift before and after photos were taken 6 months after her procedure, and the patient was incredibly happy with her new silhouette.