Brazilian Butt Lift
This 27 year old patient presented to Dr. Siamak Agha for a Brazilian Butt Lift. The patient desired larger, fuller, and rounder buttocks. She was also unhappy with the asymmetry of her buttocks, with her right buttock cheek being shorter than the left.
On examination, the patient was found to have excess fat and fullness in her upper and lower back, as well as her love handles. Her buttocks looked boxy and lacked overall fullness.
Dr. Agha performed liposuction of her love handles, lower and upper back, and sacrum. The liposuctioned fat was then cleaned of tumescent fluid and blood, processed, and transferred into each buttock cheek to give her the desired fullness, lifted shape, and symmetry. A total of 600 ccs of processed fat was injected into each butt cheek to create roundness and projection.
By smoothing the contours of the waist and back and adding roundness to the buttocks, the patient achieved a sleek, curvaceous figure. Her Buttock Enhancement before and after photos were taken at 6 months, and the patient was extremely pleased with her results.