Innovator of Circumferential
& Spiral Thigh Lift

Unmatched Skills, Superior Results
For the past 20 years, Internationally renowned and top plastic surgeon, Dr. Siamak Agha MD, PhD, FACS has pioneered multiple Plastic Surgery procedures that focus on creating definition and three dimensional results that are not only natural but youthful. His pioneered procedures include the Spiral Thigh Lift, Circumferential Thigh Lift, Anterior Thigh Lift, High Definition Lower Body Lift, Internal Dermal-Bra Breast Lift and Restoration, High-Definition Tummy Tuck™, High-Definition Mommy Makeover, High-Definition Brazilian Butt Lift, and various buttocks reshaping and enhancement procedures.
Dr. Siamak Agha is:
- World-renowned Faculty in Body Contouring Surgeries
- Member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons
- Diplomat of the American Board of Plastic Surgery
- Member of The American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
- Member of The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
- Member of the Orange County Society of Plastic Surgeons
- Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
- Fellow of the Royal College of Medicine (U.K.)

When considering plastic surgery, before and after photos can say a thousand words. We have one of the largest body contouring and thigh lift before and after collections on the internet.
Visit our body lift and thigh lift galleries to see the dramatic transformations and corrections Dr. Agha has performed for his patients. Be dazzled by his consistency, attention to details and perfect incision placements. Dr. Agha takes great pride in delivering three-dimensional breasts and body silhouettes that are beautifully sculpted and perfected. As he often tells his staff, the difference between good and great is attention to the finer details.
Thigh lift and thighplasty are specialized body contouring procedures that not all board-certified plastic surgeons perform routinely. In fact, according to data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, most plastic surgeons only perform 1-2 thighplasty surgeries per year.
On the other hand, Dr. Agha performs about 30 or more thighplasties per year, as well as many thigh liposuctions. What he does in one year equates to what many plastic surgeons do in a lifetime.
As an Internationally renowned Plastic Surgeon and Body Contouring Expert, Dr. Siamak Agha has been performing thighplasty surgeries for the past 20 years. With this immense experience, Dr. Agha has pioneered several thighplasty techniques, such as the Spiral Thigh Lift, his signature Anterior Thigh Lift, and Circumferential Thigh Lift. The spiral thigh lift technique was published in the Encyclopedia of Body Sculpting After Massive Weight Loss Textbook in 2010.
Furthermore, he has pioneered corrective procedures for inner thigh lift redo surgery. Dr. Agha’s aesthetic eye and more than two decades of experience matter not only in performing surgeries optimally but also in avoiding complications and ensuring healing — all essential components of every successful plastic surgery.

Your thigh has four surfaces: front, outer, inner, and back. Each surface has a corresponding thighplasty technique, and there are also thigh lifts that reduce thigh width and circumference. Learn more about the different thighplasty techniques Dr. Agha offers.
Anterior Thigh Lift | Posterior Thigh Lift | Inner Thigh Lift | Outer Thigh Lift |
Spiral Thigh Lift | Circumferential Thigh Lift | Vertical Thighplasty | Thigh Liposuction |
Anterior Thigh Lift
Pioneered by Dr. Agha for his patients, the anterior thigh lift or thigh front lift is a procedure that has not been described in plastic surgery textbooks or literature. It uses an incision over the thigh front, through which the thigh skin and fat are lifted and anchored at a higher position using multiple anchoring sutures. In this manner, the thighs are lifted.
Posterior Thigh Lift
Targeting the back of the thighs, the posterior thigh lift gets rid of loose skin of the banana rolls under the buttocks. Dr. Agha creates an incision in the infra-gluteal crease that separates the butt from the thigh back. Through this incision, a crescent segment of the upper thigh back under the buttock’s crease is excised. The upper thigh back tissue is the mobilized upwards and the infra-gluteal crease reconstructed meticulously. The posterior thigh lift gets rid of dimples of the back of the thighs and banana rolls.
Inner Thigh Lift
Also known as the medial thigh lift, the inner thigh lift reduces excess skin and fat in the upper portion of your inner thighs, making it the ideal procedure for people with excess inner thigh skin. Dr. Agha creates an incision at the junction of the thigh and pubic area in your groin crease. He then removes a crescent of excess upper inner thigh skin and fat. He then lifts the inner thigh all the way to the groin crease at a higher position and secures it to the underlying pubic bone using multiple anchoring sutures. Finally, He reconstructs your groin crease meticulously to prevent it from stretching your labia and flattening your vulva.
Over the past 20 years, Dr. Agha has advanced his anchoring strategies for this often poorly performed surgery. He has now developed his own signature inner thigh lift technique that he uses for both his own primaries and for correction of secondary surgeries done elsewhere.
Outer Thigh Lift
Also called lateral thigh lift, the outer thigh lift solves excess tissue and skin problems on your outer thighs and saddlebag regions. Since the outer or lateral thigh lift is typically performed as part of a lower body lift or combined with a buttock lift or an extended tummy tuck, its incision is essentially an extension of the incisions of these procedures. Through these incisions, Dr. Agha excises the excess tissues of the waist and upper outer thigh.
The outer thigh lift is the most powerful of all thigh lift procedures. Dr. Agha can typically remove 4-12 inches of outer thigh and waist skin for most patients. He has even removed 18 inches in a weight loss patient. The outer thigh lift results in a smoother contour of the outer thigh skin as it flows into the concavity of the waist.
Spiral Thigh Lift
The spiral thigh lift is a combination of both the inner and posterior thigh lift procedures. Pioneered by Drs. Agha and Hurwitz, this thigh lift procedure lifts the back and the inner thigh through an incision that runs along the groin crease and infra-gluteal crease under the buttocks. Just as its name implies, the spiral thigh lift employs a spiral incision. For the laxity on the inner thighs, Dr. Agha continues the incisions over the groin crease. He removes a crescent of upper inner thigh skin, then lifts and secures the inner thighs at a higher position. He also reconstructs the groin crease, resulting in a tighter and smoother thigh contour.
Circumferential Thigh Lift
A circumferential thigh lift is a complex procedure that should only be undertaken by plastic surgeons routinely performing thigh lift surgeries. It offers elevation of all the four surfaces of the thighs through an incision that starts in the infra-gluteal crease under the buttocks, running over the groin crease, and the over the hip towards the back.
Vertical Thighplasty
Also known as thigh reduction, the vertical thighplasty is used for treating the loose skin of the thighs in a circumferential dimension. It is especially useful for treating excess thigh skin that spans from the pubic area to the inner knee on the inner surface of the thighs.
Thigh Liposuction
Thigh liposuction reduces the fatty prominence of the inner thighs, saddlebags, banana rolls under the buttocks, inner knee bulges, and thigh fronts or backs. It can be done by itself or combined with other thighplasty procedures. Dr. Agha can also perform it on one or multiple thigh areas, or even the whole thigh.
Dr. Agha’s Practice Profile
Dr. Agha performs one of the highest numbers of thigh lift surgeries in the country, if not the world. Below we have included Dr. Agha’s practice profile. This table shows the number of procedures that a board certified plastic surgeon performs in a typical year compared to Dr. Agha. The data is annually gathered by the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons and displayed on their website. A summary version of the report is prepared for your information.
Procedure | Average number of body procedures performed by a typical Plastic Surgeon per year (ASPS) | Average Number of body procedures performed by Dr. Agha per year | Total Number of Procedures performed by Dr. Agha up to 2023 |
Thighplasty | 1.2 | 34+ | 515 |
Upper arm lift | 2.1 | 22+ | 336 |
Tummy tuck | 19.8 | 75+ | 1,176 |
Buttock Reshaping & Augmentation | 0.8 | 60-65 | 497 |
Buttock Lift | 0.4 | 30+ | 502 |
Liposuction | 34 | Over 100 | 1,000s |
Lower Body Lift + Revisions | 1 | 31+ | 522 |