This is a 26 years old female presented to Dr. Siamak Agha for a scarless TUBA breast augmentation. On examination, the patient was found to have breast asymmetry with the right breast being slightly smaller than the left breast, and slightly higher on the chest. The patient underwent a transumbilical breast augmentation with 350 cc saline implants. Both breast implants were placed in a submuscular plane.
This operation reduced sagging in the patient’s left breast, allowing both of her breasts to fall at the same place on her chest and look equally placed on either side. The size of the patient’s breasts was also corrected, enlarging the right breast to match the left, making her chest symmetrical and proportioned. Reducing the sagging and proportioning her breasts gave her more youthful appearance and corrected the imbalance in the patient’s torso caused by her previously uneven breast fullness and sagging. Fullness was also added to the patient’s breasts from the implants, giving the patient the fuller, curvier appearance that she desired.
The patient was also able to receive a natural look to her breasts, because the TUBA breast augmentation allows the patient to have no scarring after her operation. The patient was ultimately left with symmetrical, youthful, and natural looking breasts. Post-operative breast augmentation photos were taken at 9 months.