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Newport Beach Rhinoplasty

Your Key to Balancing a Natural-Looking Nose with Harmonious Facial Features

Beauty standards may change throughout history, but the one thing that doesn’t change is how your nose is identified as your face’s focal feature — literally and figuratively.

That’s why it’s no surprise your nose can have a huge impact on your appearance and overshadow a host of other facial features.

Most people think that the ideal nose should be small, straight, and symmetrical, with a pointed nose tip — the classic Caucasian nose.

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But the truth is, such ancient aesthetics won’t look natural for people coming from other cultures. A beautiful nose can only be considered beautiful if it’s in harmony with your other facial features.

For instance, the wideness of your nose should include a fifth of your face. Its height should be equal with its width when viewed from your side. The angle in which your nose makes contact with your face should be between 30 and 35 degrees, while the angle between your nose and forehead should be between 115 and 135 degrees.


Dr. Siamak Agha of SoCal’s The Aesthetic Centers has been performing Newport Beach rhinoplasty for years, so he knows how to adapt the procedure to the individual. After all, every person’s nasal shape is unique, so a seemingly simple tweak can have a significant influence on your facial appearance.

Know more about how Dr. Agha performs successful rhinoplasties on his patients as you read the rest of this article.





What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a procedure that reshapes your nose to make it proportional to your face and enhance facial harmony. Most people also refer to it as a nose job or nose reshaping surgery.

With a rhinoplasty, you can:

  • modify the size and shape of your nose
  • remove bumps
  • straighten a crooked bridge
  • improve angles
  • reduce an enlarged nose tip
  • enhance your facial balance and proportions

Rhinoplasty is also one of the few cosmetic surgeries that can be done due to medical reasons. The most common reason is a deviated septum, which causes difficulty in breathing.

With a nose job, your surgeon can adjust the nasal structure to produce better alignment and remove any airway obstructions.

According to the 2018 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, rhinoplasty remains to be one of the top cosmetic surgeries that people sign up for.

More than 213,000 people underwent nose reshaping surgery in 2018, three-fourths of them women. It’s also the most popular surgery among people aged between 20 and 39.

Do You Need Rhinoplasty?

Try to answer the following questions to know if you should consider getting rhinoplasty:

  • Do you feel unhappy with the current size, shape, or angle of your nose?
  • Are you feeling self-conscious about the way your nose looks?
  • Is your nose too large, wide, or small in proportion to the rest of your face?
  • Does your nose bridge have a bump or depression you want to remove?
  • Do you have a drooping, upturned, or bulbous nose tip?
  • Does your nose appear asymmetrical, crooked, or out of alignment?
  • Does your nose seem unfit to the rest of your face?
  • Have you developed breathing problems because of the irregularities inside your nose?
  • Do you have a nasal birth defect that you want corrected?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, you might be a prime candidate for rhinoplasty. The procedure can help improve your nose so that it’s in harmony with the rest of your facial features.

… But Can You Get Rhinoplasty?

Unfortunately, not everyone who wants a nose job can get one. Here are the factors affecting your capacity to get rhinoplasty:


Rhinoplasty can only be performed on noses that have already finished growing — around 16 or 17 years old. If you undergo this procedure before that, it may change the outcome of your nose reshaping surgery, causing problems and complications down the road.


Every ethnicity has distinct nasal features that need to be considered before getting rhinoplasty. If you’re of African American, Afro-Caribbean, Asian, Hispanic, or Middle Eastern descent, your plastic surgeon should take special care in preserving the unique features of your face.

Underlying Nose Skeletal Structure

The technique that will be used for your rhinoplasty depends on your nose’s skeletal structure. It differs from person to person.

Good Overall Health

If you’re getting a rhinoplasty for elective reasons, you need to be in tip-top health and without any severe pre-existing condition. Otherwise, it might make your operation too risky. Keep in mind as well that you can get medical rhinoplasty if you’re having breathing problems due to the structural defects of your nose.

Realistic Expectations

There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to rhinoplasty. Discuss with your plastic surgeon the reasons why you want to get rhinoplasty and the kind of results you want to achieve. You should also be aware of both the benefits and risks of the procedure.

What are the Major Rhinoplasty Techniques?

There are two major techniques used in rhinoplasty: open and closed rhinoplasty.
Learn the difference between the two techniques here.

Open Rhinoplasty

In an open rhinoplasty, Dr. Agha creates a small horizontal incision across the strip of skin between your nostrils, known as the columella.

Depending on your situation, additional incisions may be needed to achieve the kind of nose reshaping you want.

Although this method results in a visible scar, the incision is well-hidden at the base of the nose, so it’s not that obvious. People will only see it when you lift your head back. It’s even barely visible once it heals.

Plus, the open rhinoplasty fully opens the nose, providing Dr. Agha with better visualization of your nasal structures and creating a more direct route for surgical manipulation.

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Closed Rhinoplasty

With the closed rhinoplasty technique, the incision is made entirely within the nostrils. It’s also called the internal or endonasal approach.

Because the incisions are made inside the nostrils, the resulting scars aren’t visible. 

However, closed rhinoplasty gives Dr. Agha limited access to the structures of your nose, so this method may not work for all people who need nose reshaping.

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What are the Different Types of Rhinoplasty?

Aside from open and closed rhinoplasty, Dr. Agha also uses other rhinoplasty approaches, depending on the patient’s treatment goals.

Augmentation Rhinoplasty

If you want to increase the size of your nose, Dr. Agha can take an autologous cartilage graft from your nasal septum — the wall dividing your nostrils — and use it to create natural-looking results.

But sometimes, taking a graft from the nasal septum is no longer possible because enough cartilage and bone have already been removed from it. In such cases, Dr. Agha can procure cartilage from your ears or ribs.

If you only need to smooth the nose, fillers or fat grafts will do. These are injected into your desired areas to add volume or camouflage indentations or deformities.

You may also opt to get silicone nose implants to augment your nose if the autologous cartilage graft isn’t possible.

However, Dr. Agha avoids doing this because of its high risk of developing complications. Since silicone implants are foreign materials, they might react poorly with your nasal tissues, necessitating removal. It can also get infected rather quickly.

Reduction Rhinoplasty

As one of the most common types of nose reshaping surgery, reduction rhinoplasty involves making your nose more proportional to the rest of your face.

Dr. Agha removes small amounts of bone or cartilage to achieve this. To reduce the size of your nostrils, he may also do alar base reduction — the removal of small wedges of tissue from the area where the nostrils meet the cheeks.

Reconstructive Rhinoplasty

If you lost your nose or a part of it due to an accident or serious illness, you may get reconstructive rhinoplasty to restore it.

Dr. Agha rebuilds your nose using skin grafts, flap techniques and other advanced rhinoplasty methods. You may require multiple procedures spread over several months since this surgery is pretty complex.

Ethnic Rhinoplasty

Reshaping and resizing the nose should be done while retaining its distinct ethnic features. That’s why ethnic rhinoplasty is performed for people with Asian, Latin, Middle Eastern, or African roots.

Such people usually have noses with flat bridges and wide tips, as well as softer nasal contours. Through cartilage drafting, surgeons can create a new tip that has better support while still preserving the unique features of their faces.

How Does Dr. Agha Do Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a highly individualized procedure, which is why Dr. Agha takes special consideration of your expectations and goals during the initial consultation.

He will also ask you about your detailed medical history and perform a physical exam to determine your fitness for surgery.

After listening to how you want your nose and face to look, he’ll develop a plan to produce your desired results.

Your rhinoplasty can be performed in a hospital, a free-standing ambulatory facility, or an office-based surgical suite.

Frequently done as an outpatient procedure, rhinoplasty allows you to return home shortly after your surgery. In rare cases, you may need to stay in the hospital overnight.

Nose Reshaping
PreparationTo prepare for your upcoming rhinoplasty, Dr. Agha will give you specific instructions on what to do weeks before the surgery to ensure your safety and avoid complications. You also need to prepare some supplies for your recovery.

Know more about the preparation for your rhinoplasty by clicking this link.


Your licensed anesthesiologist will administer general anesthesia before your surgery. In occasional instances, local anesthesia with intravenous sedation may be used.


Once your operative site is numbed by the anesthesia, Dr. Agha creates incisions to access the bones and cartilage supporting your nose.

For the open rhinoplasty, Dr. Agha creates a small access incision across the columella — the underside of the nose between the nostrils. It’s connected to other smaller incisions hidden inside the nose.

Nose Reshaping

Dr. Agha adjusts the nasal bones, cartilage, and other supporting structures to reduce or increase the size, shape, and angle of your nose.

He starts by breaking and removing bone and cartilage. Depending on your situation, Dr. Agha may use tip grafts made of cartilage to remodel the tip of your nose, making it longer, shorter, or thinner.

Your skin and other soft tissues will be remodeled as well to assume the shape of your nose’s underlying structures. Patients who want to increase the volume of their nose in certain areas may need to have some tissue fillers or fat grafts added.


Once your bone and cartilage have been resculpted, Dr. Agha pulls the skin back down and stitches it along the columella.

Right after your surgery, expect to have a splint outside your nose to support its new shape as it heals. It will also shield you from accidental bumps while you sleep.

If you need additional support, Dr. Agha may place nasal packing inside your nose. It acts as an internal splint to hold everything in place. It also keeps your airways clean and free from crusts.

However, having nasal packing can be uncomfortable, so some surgeons might need to insert a small tube in your airway to allow you to breathe more freely.

The procedure itself can take two to three hours on average.


How Do You Recover from Rhinoplasty?

For several days, you need to wear a light dressing over your incisions. Swelling and bruising are to be expected, not just around your nose but even on different areas of your face, making you look puffy.

To reduce swelling and discomfort, Dr. Agha will advise you to apply cold compresses on your swollen areas. You also need to keep your head elevated and still for the first few days after surgery.

You’ll also have a stuffy, congested feeling as you recover from rhinoplasty. You can manage the discomfort you’re feeling with pain medications prescribed by Dr. Agha.

Avoid straining, exercising, bending, lifting, and other strenuous activities until Dr. Agha clears you.

If your nasal bones have been altered, you may need to wait for a few weeks before you can start wearing glasses without special support.

It’s best to wait for a few months before exposing your reshaped nose to direct sunlight. As for your scars, they will continue to flatten and get lighter in color as months pass by.

Here’s an estimated recovery timeline for rhinoplasty barring any complications:
Timeline Activity
4 to 7 days Remove nasal packing
7 to days Remove splint and bandages
Initial healing completed
Return to work
Bruising and swelling start to go down
2 weeks Bruising and swelling improves
Light activities allowed
3 weeks Resume normal activities
Light exercises allowed


What Results Can You Expect from Rhinoplasty?

When you get rhinoplasty, you’ll be able to achieve the following results:

  • Improved shape, angle, and size of your nose
  • A smoother nose profile without humps or depressions
  • Symmetrical nostrils
  • A proportionally balanced face
  • Easier breathing with less congestion (if done medically)
  • Boost your self-confidence

It may take time to adjust to your new look, but the results are long-lasting. Even as you age, the shape of your nose post-rhinoplasty will remain.

How Much Does Newport Beach Rhinoplasty Cost?

The average cost of rhinoplasty is $7,500 based on data collected by RealSelf.com.

The final cost depends on a number of factors, such as the complexity of the procedure, technique used, and the experience of your plastic surgeon.

Don’t forget to add other costs like surgery location, facilities, anesthesia, medical tests and supplies, and other procedures included in your surgery.

For instance, a straightforward reduction rhinoplasty that lasts for less than an hour will definitely cost less than a more extensive rhinoplasty involving grafts and septal surgery.

Though insurance companies don’t cover rhinoplasty for cosmetic reasons, you can get it covered if you undergo the surgery to correct structural problems like nasal obstruction.

Get Your Rhinoplasty Done in Newport Beach, Orange County

With a rhinoplasty done right, you can enjoy flattering results that completely change the appearance of your face for the better. You’ll feel the best version of yourself.

But in order to achieve that, you need to consult with a plastic surgeon who will be all ears regarding your ideal nose and face. You need someone who will take your face shape, facial features, proportions, and ethnicity into account.

Dr. Agha deeply cares about your satisfaction in your Newport Beach rhinoplasty outcome. Arrange a consultation with Dr. Agha today to achieve a nose that better complements your facial features.



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3701 Birch St #200Newport Beach, CA 92660
949 644 2442

Disclaimer: Official website of Siamak Agha, MD, PhD, FACS – The Aesthetic Centers of Orange County. The information throughout this plastic surgery website is not intended to be taken as medical advice. The information provided by Siamak Agha, MD, PhD, FACS – The Aesthetic Centers of Orange County is intended to provide general information regarding comprehensive plastic surgery services for patients in the greater Newport Beach, CA area. This website is not intended for viewing or usage by European Union citizens. Read our ADA compliance disclosure.

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