This 50-year-old female had had multiple past procedures with another surgeon, including a Tummy Tuck, and multiple Liposuctions of her thighs and above her knees. The patient was unhappy with her lower body laxity and wished to undergo a Lower body Lift. by Dr. Agha.
To address the patient’s concerns Dr. Agha performed a Lower Body Lift with an Abdominoplasty Revision, Liposuction, Liposhifting of her back, and Fat Transfer to her buttocks. He began the procedure by performing liposuction on the patients mid and lower back and her flanks. He collected a total of 1800 ccs of fat from these areas. He then performed liposhifting on her flanks and back to improve the contour irregularities of these areas. Liposhifting is a technique that loosens up the fat from its attachments underneath the skin, making it more malleable and uniform spread.
Then, he began the buttocks lift by making an incision above the patient’s buttock cheeks. Through this incision he performed a buttocks lift and outer thigh lift. Then, buttocks fat transfer was performed using the fat that was collected during liposuction. He micro-grafted a small amount of fat into each buttock cheek to fill out indentations and dimples. Then, he also performed liposhifting on both thighs to improve her contour irregularities. He then addressed the indentations above each of the patient’s knees by transferring 70 ccs of fat into each indentation. Finally, he completed a revision abdominoplasty and anterior thigh lift on her front.
The patient’s Lower Body Lift before and after photos were taken 6 months after her procedure.