Brazilian Butt Lift
This young female presented to Dr. Siamak Agha for revision plastic surgery and Brazilian butt lift. The patient had previously undergone liposuction of her lower buttock and banana rolls (upper thigh region) by another surgeon. The patient was dissatisfied with the contour irregularity of her lower butt region. She was specifically unhappy with the depressed lines created within her lower buttock cheeks. During examination, it was also noted that the left buttock cheek was smaller and shorter than the right. Dr. Agha performed revisions that included liposuction of the lower back to create a V-shaped demarcation between the lower back and upper butt, liposuction of the banana rolls, and careful fat transfer to both buttock cheeks to achieve unifrom Brazilian butt lift. Post-operative photos were taken at 3 months after her liposuction correction and Brazilian butt lift.